ProDAUK Picnic & Walks (Cambridge, London, & Oxford)

Join our ProDAUK Steering Committee members in Cambridge, Oxford, and London to discuss the state of progressive politics on June 25. We’re interested to hear what issues you are passionate about and find ways we can organize together around them to best support progressive candidates in 2022 and beyond. All are welcome.

If possible, let us know you are coming by emailing so we know how many to expect and can contact you in case of inclement weather. Also, please let us know if you have any mobility or other needs – we want to be accessible to all.

Cambridge, 2:00-4pm, Cambridge Union, 9A Bridge St CB2 1UB. Join for a lively discussion. (time changed from 12:30 due to transport issues)

Oxford, 12-2pm, University Parks, Entrance near Keble College. Mains (likely pizza or sandwiches) will be provided. If you are able, please bring something to share.

London, 12-3pm, Meet in front of Charing Cross rail station (Strand entrance, by the Queen Eleanor Cross) for a stroll by St James Park and discussion of US history in London.


Jun 25 2022


All Day