Get Out The Vote Film Night

If your vote didn’t matter, they wouldn’t be trying to stop it ” (Stacey Abrams)

Worried but cautiously optimistic about the midterms?  Stay determined!  Join other Democrats abroad – online or in-person in London – to view the riveting documentary Suppressed and Sabotaged.  After the screening,  engage with our post-film discussion about the state of play of the races  and what we as  Democrats abroad can do in these final days. 


We were successful – just – in 2020 due to many factors, but key was achieving the highest voter turnout in over a century. This was the result of extraordinarily successful efforts to GOTV alongside the  provision of easier ways to register to vote and cast ballots – e.g. ‘no-excuse’ mail-in voting, drop-off voting, and extensions to early voting.


We know this and so do the Republicans. In response, they have sharpened their tools for voter suppression and sabotage. They are brazen in their mission and surgical in their precision in suppressing votes that would tend Democratic:  the poor, the young, and with a particular minority, Latinos, Asian-Americans, and especially African Americans.  


This documentary lays out how voter suppression laws and tactics are in play in key states such as Arizona, Florida, Texas and Georgia. The film also shows how  people on the ground are fighting back against these cynical ploys.


 Democratic control of the Senate and House in 2022 is essential for ensuring we can keep on track to address economic and social justice, the vitality of our democratic institutions, the future of our planet and, urgently,  the right of all American women to control their own reproductive healthcare choices.  

As Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer recently said : “If one political party believes that when you lose an election, the answer isn’t to win more votes but rather to try and prevent the other side from voting, we have an existential threat to democracy on our hands.”

This Film Night is a collaboration among the Film Committee, the DAUK GOTV and Voter Registration Committee 

**Go to** for all the information you need about voting from abroad


5:30 – 5:33: Introduction and welcome

5:34:    Screening of Suppressed amd Sabotaged (45 minutes)

6:25:   After screening discussion and Q and As

7:15:   Evening ends

RSVP here:  

Please RSVP early for in-person tickets since space is very limited (and please let us know if your plans change, so we can offer seats to others(

RSVP to attend online and you will be sent the Zoom link.

The Panel  members


Linda Adeson, moderator,  currently serves as a Co-Chair of the DAUK Voter Registration and GOTV team, and has served as a Co-Chair of  Vote From Abroad Global Comms and Chair of Global Student Outreach,. Linda is also a member of the DAUK ExCom and a DPCA representative.  A passionate believer in making voting easier, Linda has also worked with local voting groups in Michigan to pass an anti-gerrymandering initiative, enacted in 2021.

Laura Mosedale  is Co-Chair of the DAUK Voter Registration and Assistance Committee, on the leadership team of the DAUK Women’s Caucus and a member of Indivisible Bemidji, MN.  A native New Yorker, former board member of the League of Women Voters in Greenwich, CT,  and Minnesota voter, Laura has been a strong and early advocate of  strengthening our efforts to turn out votes from Democratic voters from abroad in the midterms as well as the General Elections.

Susan Schoenfeld Harrington started her political life as a “babe in arms” at the March on Washington. She is currently a Deputy Finance Chair of the DNC and has served as a DAUK Vice-Chair, member of the Executive Committee and DPCA representative.

Susan votes in New York, where she was born and raised and has been very active in local, state and national campaigns since childhood.

Questions?  Contact


Oct 30 2022


5:30 pm - 7:15 pm


Hybrid -Online and In-Person
Film Committee


Film Committee