DA EMEA Florida “States Outreach” Volunteer Call

Following ths recent formation of the “Texans Abroad”
GOTV team, join us for an organizing meeting to create a “Floridians Abroad” States Outreach team! Florida is a critical state for Democrats in November ’22 with a Senate race, a governor’s race and 28 re-districted House seats. The new Democrats Abroad Europe, Middle East and Africa Region GOTV strategy is to bring overseas voters closer to state races by developing in-state expertise on voter registration, key races and legislative issues important to our members. Volunteers can help develop and implement the three “pillars” of outreach: voter mobilization, legislation and ballot protection. For more information and to RSVP for a Zoom link, email mooredauk@gmail.com


Jun 17 2021


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm